What To Do This Weekend to Start School Without Stress

By Lily Wilson

Feeling overwhelmed because of the school already? It is normal, we all know that school can be stressful sometimes with all those exams, deadlines, and never-finishing homework. 

However, we all have our weekends to ourselves and if you spend those two days of the week getting relaxed -especially psychologically- you will be more ready for your next week! If you are stressed and bored, and started counting the days to Friday but don’t know how to spend your weekend yet, we have some weekend ideas for you. Check out our list of weekend activities that will make you forget all of your academic stress, and start your next week freshened up. 

1. Go to brunch 

One of the best parts about weekends is the fact that you have time to sleep. You don’t need to put an alarm on early in the morning to catch up on your lectures. After staying in bed and resting for a longer time, when you are ready get up and go for brunch, and enjoy eating your first meal without being in a rush!

2. Catch up with your friends 

Friends play a significant role in our psychological health. Hanging out with them more often will help you not only socialize but also reduce your stress as you will lose the track of time when you are hanging out with your loved ones. The weekend is the perfect time for grabbing a coffee or a drink and spending hours talking with your friends which you will not have time for during weekdays.

3. Go on a hike

We spend most of our time sitting in a chair and looking at our computer screens on weekdays. Spending some time in nature on the weekends while you have the time for it will help you improve your health both physically and psychologically. So go on and find a route that is suitable for you and spend some time exercising in the fresh air and beautiful sceneries. 

4. Go to a party

After all, the weekends are for fun, right? So call your friends, find an amazing event, put on your party clothes, and get the best out of your weekend! As cheesy as it sounds, drinking some and tearing up the dance floor is a great way to get rid of your stress. 

5. Spend some “me time”

Whether it is staying in the bed all day, scrolling down social media, or reading an amazing book, weekends are the perfect time for spending quality time with yourself. So go on and read the book you have on your mind for ages, do some skincare, journal, or watch reality shows and reconnect with yourself. After all, sometimes the best way to clear your mind is to stay alone. 

6. Do some volunteer work

Though the word “work” sounds terrible as a weekend plan, doing some charity will give you more satisfaction than you can imagine. After all, we all want to be good people, right? Also, while doing some volunteer work, the last thing that will come up to your mind will be your school work. 

7. Visit a museum

Feel like learning interesting things that are not school-related? Visit some museums where you will lose track of time while feeling the personal growth you are experiencing. Sooner or later, we will all need some geeky facts that we can talk about with our friends. 

8. Start a new show

We all know finding something good to watch can be a headache sometimes. However, after finding an engaging show, you will have a brand new stress buster. Staring at the screen, curious about what will happen next is for sure a good way to forget about your stressful daily life. 

9. Go to a concert

The energy you will experience in a live music event of a band you love will become a core memory for sure. Feeling the music inside your body, dancing, seeing people from very different backgrounds as a whole, and losing yourself in the tunes is an amazing experience that will take you away from all your stressors. So go on and check which concerts are near you, and make a lifelong memory out of this weekend!

10. Do some chores

Though it may sound awful at first glance, doing some chores while you have time is a great way to reduce your stress during the weekdays. As you will eventually be doing those, it is better to get some done while you have no lectures to catch on to. This way, you will have one less thing to stress about in the next week. 

11. Take the sting out of your school work

Just like the last suggestion, start studying for your exams or writing your essays a bit earlier than leaving them to do last minute will help you reduce your stress. However, if writing an essay overwhelms you even more on a weekend than on weekdays, you can always consider getting some essay writing help. If you are willing to pay to write essay, the weekends are still a better time to do so. 

12. Create a game night with your friends

Whether it is a computer game or an old-fashioned board game it is a great activity to spend some fun time with your friends. If you ever played a game before, you should be familiar with the fact that you will lose track of time while playing. Though forgetting about the concept of time may not be a good idea during school days, it is a perfect way to bust your stress and bond with your friends on the weekend. 

13. Spend some time doing your hobbies

No matter what your hobby is, there is a reason why you call that a hobby: it makes you happy. So, go ahead and spend some time doing something that will surely make you happy and feel satisfied. If you think you have no hobbies, weekends are always a good time to try some new things until you find something you will enjoy. 

We came to the end of the list of stress-buster weekend activities. No matter which one you will choose to get on with, make sure you make a good weekend out of it and see the difference you will feel in the upcoming week!

About the Author

Lily is a 36 year-old homestay freelance academic writer. Lily runs her personal blog AnAwfulLotofWriting and works as a contributing academic writer for a number of publications

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