Anger Test: Face the Dark Side!

Is anger a bad or good emotion? Well, that depends. One of the basic emotions inherent in all people is an integral part of being human. What Is

Read More Support Comes First!

Oddly, but it was COVID-19 that has totally changed the way mental health services and programs are provided. The cyber transformation of all the things that have something

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Financial Assistance for Mental Health on Campus: Everything Students Need to Know

Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health issues that affect college and university students. Based on the 2021 Winter/Spring Healthy Minds Study, up to 41% of

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Will Online Support Groups Work for Me?

The World Wide Web makes it possible to keep in touch with loved ones half the world away, shop from the comfort of one’s home, manage finances, get

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8 Signs a College Supports Student Mental Health

Mental health issues on college campuses are on the rise, according to a study performed by the Healthy Minds Network and the American College Health Association. It was

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15 Mental Health Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is a time to celebrate, but for many of us, it can also be an incredibly stressful season. During this festive period, our mental health can be

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Mental Health Events: Must Visits to Stay Sane in December

You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why The mental breakdown is comin' to town! While most people tend to

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Funny Exam Quotes to Relieve Exam Stress

Of course, you’ll pass it. But for now, you’re scared to hell, and seems like all the knowledge you’ve been absorbing throughout the semester is gone with the wind.

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What Type of Test Taker Are You?

If you’re a college student, taking tests is an inevitable part of the process. For professors, it’s an important tool used to measure up undergrads’ perception of class

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10+ University-Based Mental Health Events Arthur Fleck Would Attend: November Digest

Arthur Fleck/Joker "The worst part of having a mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don't." All the therapies, support groups, conferences, counseling

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