Morning Rituals Before Exams

By Staff Writers

Nerve-wracking is probably the best way to describe students’ feelings before sitting an examination. The jittery feeling is challenging to ignore and subside, and keeping the negative feelings at bay is a mastery that has proved challenging.

However, the easiest way to survive a storm is to stay calm. Gathering all tools at your disposal allows you to brace yourself for the exams. Morning rituals before examinations are the most advisable method to allow students to relax before their examinations. The following are constructive morning rituals to abet students before their exams.

  1. Have a wholesome breakfast

Challenges are easier to tackle on a full stomach. The first milestone in ensuring a happy day is having breakfast. It is important to have a wholesome breakfast before you sit for your paper. Foods high in carbohydrates are appropriate since they give you energy for your exams. Breakfast choices such as oats reduce the chances of feeling famished due to their slow emancipation of energy, thus sustaining you through the entirety of the exams. Avoid food with high sugar levels since they reduce the cognitive ability of memory retaining.

  1. Dress accordingly

It will be no surprise to inform you that dressing is one of the most significant factors attributing to mood elevation. Most people are adamant practitioners of this notion. Proper dressing is a tremendous ritual before exams.

Ensure you dress accordingly, paying attention to the weather. Find a comfortable piece that will balance your atmosphere. Bring a jacket to ensure you do not get cold in the exam room. Snug clothing such as leggings, trench coats, or sweatpants may reduce your stress levels through the exam period, allowing you to feel liberated. Attiring yourself in garments that elevate your mood is also a plus, allowing you to feel confident.

  1. Hydrate

Nervousness before an exam is characterized by profuse sweating, shortness of breath, and panic. A mug of coffee to calm your nerves feels like the fastest solution. However, it is important to hydrate afterward.

A mere glass of water could transform your experience in magnitudes. Water has a palliative effect by cooling your body in the event of panic and allowing you to have a clear head. To avoid dehydration or thirst, carry a refillable water bottle with you. Remember to hydrate constantly throughout your day, thus staying contented and healthy.

  1. Arrive at the venue on time

To amplify the chances of tackling the beast, you must be undisputedly aware of your surroundings. Familiarity with your environment leads to irrefutable confidence levels, allowing you to combat through the exams. Late arrival to the exam room creates a sense of panic within the students, thus wrecking the previously built calm demeanor.

It is vital to arrive at least 20 minutes earlier than the scheduled start time. This allows you to accustom yourself to the exam room and have a small organization session before the commencement of the exams.

  1. Surround yourself with positive energy

The human mind is like a sponge of energy. Choosing the people you associate with before an exam gravely determines your mood. Propagating positive thoughts within yourself is the first step to embark on. Releasing negative thoughts unshackles tension within you, permitting you to unleash your best version.

Avoid people with negative outlooks and energy toward the exam. Avoiding negative energy is an important portrayal of self-love that must be practiced before an exam. Instead, stick around people who may encourage you and elevate your mood.

  1. Avoid distractions

It’s time to open pandora’s box of the biggest challenge students face. The number of distractions students face during the exam period is too many to count on both hands. Everything previously available before the exam period becomes too tempting and daunting to resist. However, all these temptations will still be available on completion of the exams.

Create a mechanism to allow you to avoid distractions. One successful method is the creation of reward systems. Try as much to avoid your beloved Tiktok account and restrain yourself until the end of your exams. Turn off notifications from your devices to avoid lingering an eye on messages received. Keeping a fair distance from friends who may act as a distraction is also a wise move in ensuring clear headspace.

  1. Avoid thinking about what you don’t know

Roy T. Bennet quotes that instead of hassling about what you cannot regulate, shift your vigor to what you can navigate. However, this may come as a tough pill for students to swallow. It is understandable to try to gain and retain as much information as possible. Techniques such as space practice may upgrade your chances of recalling information, thus reducing scenarios of poor exam preparation.

However, students must concentrate mostly on what they know. There is no need to fret about what you do not know since it increases your anxiety. In such occurrences, switch your mind to positive thoughts to distract yourself from that array.

  1. Stress management techniques

Admittedly, students have a rough time preparing for the dawn of exams. Working through a series of nervous breakdowns makes mornings dreadful, starting the day on the wrong foot. Learning stress management techniques allows students to calm down and build confidence.

Breathing exercises, for example, create a calm feeling, reducing the stress and anxiety you may face. Stretching also prepares your body for long hours of sitting, thus ensuring proper blood circulation. Finding a stress management technique that best fits you allows you to have profound confidence and attitude towards the exams.

  1. Warm up your brain

Everyone is unique, and highly appraised traits may not work for everyone. Learning what works for you is the first step of an expedition. Different students have various ways of warming up their brains. Listening to some music is one way to warm up your mind and progress into the exam mood. In the case of mental bombardment or panic, read an article or take a break to clear your mind. Breathing exercises may also come in handy, allowing you to clear your headspace. Psych yourself up and affirm good riddances before you sit your exams.

Examinations are the thorns to the radiant blossomed roses through a student’s education. However, with the above rituals, exams may not prick as hard as before. Now be ready to emerge the best!

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TakeCareStudy is committed to delivering valuable mental health content. We are covering all topics that have to do with students wellbeing, academic success and relationship matters.

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