8 Signs a College Supports Student Mental Health

By Tina Leger

Mental health issues on college campuses are on the rise, according to a study performed by the Healthy Minds Network and the American College Health Association. It was the global pandemic that pushed the undergrads into a mental health crisis. Although newly recorded Covid cases declined, far-reaching severe repercussions for economies, healthcare segments, and societies don’t seem to fade away anytime soon.

Already being a highly vulnerable part of society, college and university students report rapid spikes in stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues altogether making a tough routing more challenging.

It’s no wonder that every other college hunt now includes the +1 criterion – a decent level of support for students with mental health issues. To find an alma mater that prioritizes undergrads’ well-being and mental balance, keep in mind the signs we discuss below. 

#1 There’s a Psychiatrist Available on Campus

Starting your college search, look for psychiatrist options in potential schools. As the rep of the health services department in the college or a member of a behavioral therapy group (usually available in larger educational institutions), the qualified psychiatrist is there to provide undergrads with antidepressants, antipsychotics, sleeping pills, and other psychiatric medications. When there’s an expert available on campus, you don’t have to waste your time looking for someone off-campus.

#2 College Provides Great Icebreakers for Orientation & Socializing

It’s not a secret that making friends and socializing is hard for first-year students who seem to be stuck in the middle of nowhere. And if they happen to suffer from mental health conditions, it’s like drowning.

Colleges and universities that host various orientation events are life savers for those who have tough times in a crowd of strangers. All the activities help break the ice and speed up the nice-to-meet-you moment.



#3 College-Life Balance Is a Must

Managing a brand-new campus experience and classes can be a battle, especially if it’s your first year. Students with anxiety, depression, or/and thoughts of suicide should go for the academic institutions that promote life-classes balance by providing access to things like meditation or theater workshops, as well as helping those who struggle with the science of time management.

#4 24/7 Health Care Accessibility

Unfortunately, there’s always a chance that a psychiatric emergency kicks in. For that reason, high-quality urgent and emergency mental health services are one of the top factors to consider when choosing a college. If you’re lucky to find one, make sure to save the phone number of the school’s emergency. You never know when you might need it again.

#5 College Invests in Mental Health Experts’ Skills

Colleges or universities that do their best to upgrade the knowledge of mental health counselors are precious. All the stress-management strategies, suicide prevention sessions, and OCD training help mental counselors hone their skills and provide more genuine help to undergrads who struggle.

#6 School Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle

If the chosen college maintains various health programs for undergrads, it most likely takes care of students’ mental balance. Look for the options like eating disorder prevention training, yoga classes, nutrition counseling, and other practices before you hit the apply button.

#7 It’s Official

If a higher educational institution that you consider applying to supports students with mental health issues, everyone knows that. All undergrads are aware of the school position since it’s official. Not just a bag of rumors and maybes. Both students and tutors have the access to mental health services and support.

#8 You Can Benefit from Peer Counseling

With peer mental health support among undergrads, students have a chance to boost their well-being and self-esteem. Many colleges provide on-campus peer-counseling options that help young people with mental conditions find someone to talk to about college-life balance, mental health issues, and other challenges faced during the first year.

Unfortunately, students who fail to take the time and effort to do a thorough college search based on their mental needs face the sad reality of a painful transition to college. Left alone with their mental issues, problems, and fears, they soon find themselves in disconnectedness and social isolation. To prevent these regrets later on, determine and find what is best for you based on the above. It just comes down to knowing yourself and quite a bit of time. You’ll thank yourself later.

About the Author

Tina is a freelance writer currently obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. She’s a reading addict, a wanderlust soul, an amateur sports fan, and a daydreamer bringing forth a love of writing.

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