Supplements for Mental Health Every Student Should Consider

By Staff Writers

There are ways to boost mental health that involve medication and supplements, and that is the focus of this article. Mental health problems usually occur because the chemicals in our body like serotonin and dopamine are not enough or balanced. You can fix that with some mental boost supplements.

Students may be young, but they are prone to having mental health issues because of the many deadlines, requirements, and subjects they deal with on a regular basis. Also, they are at the age where changes in their body and way of thinking are happening, and they might find that overwhelming.

The supplements for mental health that we will talk about today are safe for students—if they take them in the right amounts.

Supplements for Mental Health Every Student Should Consider

You’re eating food every day and the food you eat gives you nutrients, but not all the nutrients that your body needs to ensure that you have a healthy mind. Some are enough only to keep the physical aspect of your body healthy.

Three of the nutrients that are linked to good mental health are zinc, B vitamins, and vitamin D. These are present in some food that you eat and are also available in capsule form, which you can find in a lot of stores.

But before we talk about them, a disclaimer: Before you take any of these supplements, seek a doctor’s advice as you may have some other health conditions that could get worse if you take these. You might experience side effects.

Let’s dive in.

1. Zinc

Low levels of zinc in the body make one prone to mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, depression, sleep disorders, and mood disorders. It is also the chemical that speeds up the healing process of wounds, so not having enough zinc can lead to unhealed physical wounds.

Zinc is considered “nature’s anti-depressant” because its effectiveness for improving depression is comparable to antidepressant drugs. A study in 2013 found that taking SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) together with zinc is more effective compared to just SSRI.

Our body does not produce zinc naturally. You can get zinc if you eat red meat, poultry, fish, and seeds. Nonetheless, there are some zinc capsules you can find in drugstores, so you can take them, too. But note that too much zinc in the body could lead to nausea, diarrhea, fever, cough, and copper deficiency, among others. So don’t take too much.

2. B Vitamins

There are eight B vitamins and all of them can help boost your mental health. Each B vitamin has its own chemical properties and role in the body, but you can take all or some of them together to more effectively combat the root cause of your mental health issues. Here are the B vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamin)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin)
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • B6 (pyridoxine)
  • B7 (biotin)
  • B9 (folate)
  • B12 (cobalamin)

The most common B vitamins used for the treatment of anxiety and other mental health issues are vitamins B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin). The lack of vitamin B12, in particular, is an issue among depressed individuals.

Some good sources of B vitamins include fruits, vegetables, poultry, dairy products, meat, fish, seeds, nuts, whole grains, and beans.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the vitamin that you can get by simply going out while the sun is up. It is called the “sun vitamin” because the sun is the primary source. There are other sources apart from the sun. You can find vitamin D in fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, some cereals, and vitamin D capsules.

It is effective for keeping our bones strong and healthy, so having a vitamin D deficiency will have a negative effect on one’s bone health. But apart from bone issues, insufficient vitamin D can also lead to obesity, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, fibromyalgia, depression, and mood disorders.

Even though the main source of vitamin D is there and you just need to step out, many people still have insufficient amounts of vitamin D in their bodies.

Some Tips to Improve Your Mental Health as a Student

There are many ways to improve your mental health that don’t involve ingesting anything, but you can do these alongside taking supplements for better results. Some changes in your lifestyle, social life, and way of thinking can boost your mental health and overall well-being drastically.

Let’s talk about them.

1. Have a Healthy Sleeping Schedule

If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you will feel tired in the morning and that will affect your sense of focus. You will think about wanting to sleep the whole day, so you won’t understand what your professor is saying.

2. Don’t Feel Pressured to Achieve More Than You Can

There are competitions going on at school, but don’t take them too seriously to the point that you’ll force yourself to do things beyond your capabilities just to “win.” You have to know your limits to avoid being stressed out!

3. Ask Questions If You’re Confused

No one in this world knows everything, so don’t be ashamed to ask when there’s anything you don’t understand. You are studying because you want to learn. Your professors and classmates would be glad to help you out. Reach out to them.

4. Move Your Body

You have to study, but that doesn’t mean you should sit at your desk and spend the whole day looking at your notes or doing school projects. You also need to move around because a lack of physical activity can lead to stress and other health conditions that are severe, such as heart disease.

5. Stop Procrastinating

A lot of students are procrastinators. If you are one of them, it’s better if you learn to manage your time wisely and prioritize your studies over, say, watching movies or playing video games. Doing schoolwork is not fun, but trying to finish up many school tasks 1 hour before the deadline isn’t fun either.

About the Author

TakeCareStudy is committed to delivering valuable mental health content. We are covering all topics that have to do with students wellbeing, academic success and relationship matters.

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