Education Trends to Watch Out For In 2023

It’s hard to predict the future of education, but we can get an idea of it by looking at present trends. Education is a rapidly changing field, and

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15 Mental Health Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is a time to celebrate, but for many of us, it can also be an incredibly stressful season. During this festive period, our mental health can be

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Depression Test & Anxiety Self-Assessment Quiz

45% of American college students claim to be afflicted by stress levels higher than average. Quite often, the symptoms like stress, anxiety, and depression don’t last for long

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Mental Health Events: Must Visits to Stay Sane in December

You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why The mental breakdown is comin' to town! While most people tend to

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10 Most Frequent Questions from Students about Exam Stress

What is it that all students have in common? Well… Stress inevitably pops up in the list containing the core components of college routine, such as homework overload,

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Kinds Of Bullying in College And How To Stop It

Like any established and conventional idea, bullying has transformed over time. As a culture, we have transitioned into an age when bullying can happen across more forms compared

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Bullying In College: What Should Put You On Guard

Completing high school for most students feels like the first significant milestone in their academic life. This step is crowned by earning a coveted slot in the college

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How to Support a Friend or a Relative During Exams

Every life situation is an integration of roses and thorns. Education is an enlightening and captivating experience that gives you a degree worth a lifetime. However, there isn’t

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Exam Phobia: Are You Doomed, or is There a Way Out?

It is almost a ritual for students to experience this heart-wrenching feeling as the exam window narrows. The fear of the unknown dawns and engulfs you, and it

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Morning Rituals Before Exams

Nerve-wracking is probably the best way to describe students’ feelings before sitting an examination. The jittery feeling is challenging to ignore and subside, and keeping the negative feelings

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