How to Communicate a Mental Health Need to a Professor

Why should you communicate your mental health needs to professors?College students have many mental health needs, like anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders. Almost three quarters of college

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Social Anxiety Test

When it comes to social anxiety, Sherlock happens to be the first who comes to mind. Of course, a famous ‘high-functioning sociopath’ didn’t have social anxiety but was

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15 Phrases That Prove Your Boyfriend Is A Bully

When it comes to romantic relationships, communication is a vital ingredient for a successful relationship, but something that many students tend to overlook in favour of physical attraction

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Embarrassed Because I Drank Too Much: How to Recover Your Reputation and Forgive Yourself

Getting drunk when you are a student partying or having a wild night out is something that most of us have encountered at least once, back in the

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How To Heal After Bullying In a Relationship

Bullying is perhaps the most common yet dreaded aspect of being a student–whether you are getting bullied by your boyfriend, your friends, schoolmates, or any other person in

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Tips On How To Get Out Of The Friendzone

Let’s face it–being in the friendzone when you want something more isn’t easy. It’s confusing, disappointing, and unwelcoming. But, it’s very common and others may friendzone you for

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Does Everyone Need Friends?

Have you ever felt inferior because you don’t have a close group of friends? Lack of friendship has been known to cause these negative interpretations of self-worth. I

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Why Making Friends Online is Just Like Kindergarten

Do you remember what it was like to make friendships in kindergarten? It just seemed to flow from introductions into instant bonds. However, once you become an adult,

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Friendship Breakup & What to Do About It

Here I was, looking at an undelivered Christmas gift that was meant for a former best friend. It was two years after I had bought it and I

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‘I Don’t Have Friends’: It’s Not a Diagnosis

When I was eighteen, I moved a thousand miles away from my hometown for college. I had a lot of social anxiety, something I’m still working on today.

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