Anxiety Exercises & Coping Techniques

Although anxiety is a normal response of our bodies to certain situations, it can sometimes get overwhelming and difficult to control, especially around exam period. Anxiety makes the

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How to Reduce Study Anxiety

So, you are a college student and you have found yourself feeling worried, nervous and tensed in many situations that involve academic activities such as studying for an

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Homework Stress: What to Do About It in College

It’s no surprise for teachers and parents that homework represents a large source of anxiety and stress in students’ daily lives. This is an important problem since homework

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Kinds of Anxiety Disorders among College Students

Anxiety is very common among college students. Not only they are living away from home for the first time ever, they are also constantly under pressure because of

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Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) is the annual activity campaign run under the leadership of National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2023 is taking place Monday,

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Quiz: What Is My Love Language?

It all started in 1932. Gary Chapman, the author of the world-known “The 5 Love Languages,” detailed five main love languages and precisely described the unique traces of

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Dropping Out of College & Mental Health: Who’s to Blame?

As college students, the thought of dropping out of school often conjures up images of failure and disappointment. But this doesn’t have to be the case. While many

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Dropping Out of College: Things to Consider Before Making the Final Decision

Deciding to drop out of college is quite difficult. You may feel overwhelmed by the thought of giving up on your dreams, not having the same opportunities as

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How to Write a Deadline Extension Email to the Professor?

Are you worried because your deadline for the term paper is quickly approaching, and you still haven’t completed it? Are you afraid of facing the professor’s stern disappointment

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8 Tips for Coping with Anxiety as a College Student

Anxiety is an incredibly common feeling that can cause significant distress in our lives. When you're a college student, the mounting pressures of exams, assignments, and other demands

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