ABC of Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental health is an integral part of our well-being, and it affects every aspect of our lives. However, mental health is often neglected or stigmatized, which can lead

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Spring Cleaning for Student Mental Health: Tips to Declutter Your Mind

Spring is the perfect time to declutter your mind and improve your mental health. As a student, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social

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Oddly, but it was COVID-19 that has totally changed the way mental health services and programs are provided. The cyber transformation of all the things that have something

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7 Too-Good-to-Be-True Excuses to Skip that College Class

Are you ever tempted to click the snooze button instead of attending that dreaded college class? It's a feeling we all know too well - the thought of

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7 Horrific Challenges of Nursing Students in College

For many aspiring nurses, starting college is an exciting but daunting adventure. Yet, it’s a crucial step towards achieving their dream of becoming qualified professionals.But hidden beneath the

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15 TOP Study YouTubers Every College Student Should Watch

Are you ready to break away from your routine and be inspired by some of the most creative content producers? If yes, you should definitely check out our

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How Colleges Should Address Mental Health Problems of International Asian Students

Are you an Asian international student in college and feeling overwhelmed with mental health struggles? You’re not alone. Over the past decade, the number of international Asian students

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Peer-to-Peer Online Hate: How to Deal with Negative Comments

Have you ever been lowballed by a negative comment online? It can often be jarring and disheartening, especially when coming from someone you know or thought was a

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Eating Disorder Test

“Anorexia ranks as the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescent U.S. females,” according to MEDA (Multi-service eating disorder organization) report. Not bronchitis or diabetes (as many might

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The Hard Way: My Personal Story with Anxiety

ForewordThis is the personal anxiety essay written by Joli Ayala and featuring her struggles with anxiety as a student. We appreciate the honesty and courage Joli displayed and

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